Claim Your Fame for the RecipeBliss Award!

Have you received the RecipeBliss Award from someone? If so please add yourself to the ever growing list of "awardees".

If you don't have the award logo already, grab your badge to display on your blog or site (the logo below is 250px, on the sidebar is 125px). Thanks for stopping by!

Friday, January 30, 2009

Be a Guest Blogger

Did you make dinner from another bloggers recipe? Are you raving about a recipe from another blog? Let me know and we'll be happy to share the love here too!

Here are two ways to share:
  1. Use the CONTACT form or leave a comment on THIS POST with the link to YOUR POST that reviews and features the recipe. We will, with your permission, copy the post and feature it here. Make sure to include your email address so we can contact you if needed. I reserve the right to limit pictures and comments.
  2. Use the CONTACT form or leave a comment on THIS POST or EMAIL me directly that you want to write a recipe review as a guest blogger. It can be an "exclusive" or be published at the same time, rather than having to track it down after the fact.
All I ask in return is a link back to this site to keep the blog love going! You may also display the Guest Blogger badge on your site with a link back to


Chef E said...

Well, sort of...I took a potato boat idea; which I have had before and lost it at sea somewhere, but I fill them with Super Bowl Goodness and will post it 'morrow...and thank you for passing the torch!

Ashley Bartner said...

Check out this recipe for osso buco, I thought you'd enjoy:
