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Monday, November 24, 2008

spicy flank steak

I came across this recipe for Garlic-Chile Flank Steak at Eating Well and it reminded me of one of my family's favorites.

We all love Chipotle. Well, K likes anything with wasabi in, on or around it. And my step-daughter and I love chipotle, anything chipotle. I have bought chipotle sauce in a bottle, dried in cubes and cans of chipotle peppers in adobo sauce.

I simply took a can of chipotle peppers (in adobo sauce) and marinated the flank steak. You want to do this for at least a few hours but overnight is preferable. Then we tossed it on the grill and voila, everyone loved it. Even the wasabi-lover in the family! If you like spicy but don't want the full effect, simply add a few chilis from the can, either chopped or whole, to your marinade of choice. We tend to mix Asian and Mexican flavors.

For about a pound to a pound and a half of flank steak we average about 4 to 6 minutes per side on the grill. I know there are people who say flank steak should be cooked on a low flame grill but for some reason that never works in my house. Maybe it's our grill, but we always have it on high and it comes out near-perfect every time. I'm working on remembering the pictures but somehow when it comes down to mealtime the camera becomes a distant memory! Ah well, maybe next time!

1 comment:

Chef E said...

I thought when I saw your name it was Dutch- I spent three months over there and it was beautiful! Tell mom to stock me up with some Stroopie :) BTW this is one of my homestate favs...a sweet eater and canivore to the bone! ummmmmm meat...