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Sunday, January 11, 2009

perfect rib roast

For New Year's Eve, my mom decided on a rib roast which she and my uncle cooked. Here is their technique and they say it is foolproof. If you've heard of this or use it let me know!
Preheat oven to 475 degrees. Season roast in pan with desired seasonings. My uncle uses salt, pepper, garlic powder (lots) and maybe something else. Put roast in pre-heated oven for one hour. Do not open the oven at all during this entire process. After the one hour timer goes off, leave the oven CLOSED, turn off the oven and let sit for one more hour.
He tried it at 500 degrees (the original recipe he found in a magazine or online), and the meat was overcooked. He then tried 450 and it was undercooked. At 475 he says it works every time, regardless of the size of the roast. I have yet to try it, but am looking forward to it!

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