Claim Your Fame for the RecipeBliss Award!

Have you received the RecipeBliss Award from someone? If so please add yourself to the ever growing list of "awardees".

If you don't have the award logo already, grab your badge to display on your blog or site (the logo below is 250px, on the sidebar is 125px). Thanks for stopping by!

Friday, January 30, 2009

thank you for joining me!

To my few, but highly treasured, RecipeBliss bliss readers:

I will be changing the format of the RecipeBliss blog in the next few days. When I started this I intended to just have the recipes from the site. But after much thought, it seems silly to have two sites with the same information, and truth be told, it's one more thing to remember to do.

I would love for you to join me at and you are welcome to stay here as well. The new RecipeBliss format will hopefully be an ever growing database of shared recipes. I created an award recently to give to people whose recipes I had used and enjoyed. My intent with the award was to recognize the essence of food blogging: sharing and cooking. I have now found a wonderful and simple way to create the site I have been envisioning. This award is not just for me to give out, but anyone who uses a recipe from a blog is welcome to "steal" it and award it!


Chef E said...

Change is good :)

Kiezie said...

I think so too! Thanks! :)