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Monday, February 23, 2009

are you following? blogger glitch

My thanks for 5 Star Foodie for a good description and solution to the problem:
"Several of my foodie friends contacted me today, saying that I no longer follow their blog. I also noticed quite a few followers have been dropped from my blog as well. It is a glitch in Blogger due to their releasing a new feature. They, without users permission, changed the users from “Public” to “Anonymous”. The “Follow Blog” widget only lists the users that are Public therefore counts of followers have dropped.

Here’s how to fix your own subscriptions. In Dashboard find a button ‘Manage’, click on that and then change any of your subscriptions that say “Anonymous” back to “Public”. Blogger will NOT fix this for you automatically so you have to do it yourselves.

I hope you will find this information useful!"

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Chef E said...

Great job, i think between all of us it will get out to enough people, someone got really upset with me today over that one!

Kiezie said...

For circumstances beyond our control -- that's too bad that they got upset!! :)