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Wednesday, December 17, 2008

chefbliss's pasta primavera:

  • Start to cook spaghetti. When spaghetti is done cooking, drain, put back in warm pan with a small amount of coconut oil or EVOO to keep it from sticking together.
  • Cook shrimp and set aside. We season the shrimp with salt, pepper and dried, ground garlic, then saute until cooked
  • In a large saute or deep edge wide sauce pan saute chopped carrots in a generous amount of coconut oil.
  • When the carrots are almost tender, add bite sized broccoli pieces. Season well with salt, pepper and ground garlic, or other seasonings.
  • In a separate small saute pan, saute mushrooms. Optional: you can just add them in to the next step.
  • To the carrots and broccoli add 1 jar of artichoke tapenade to warm through.
  • Add mushrooms, chopped or baby tomatoes and sugar snap peas.
  • Mix well, then add spaghetti and shrimp.
  • Mix all together, add some grated pecorino-romano or parmesan cheese. Serve and top with another generous dollop of grated cheese.

This is one of those dishes where you are cooking a few things at once and they all come together in the end. The spaghetti is easy to let sit for a while if you drizzle some EVOO or coconut oil on it to keep it from drying out and sticking together. The amount of each ingredient is based on how many people you are serving and how much you like each vegetable. I usually do more carrots than broccoli, and I like the tomatoes and sugar snap peas warmed up but not cooked.We buy the jars of artichoke tapenade at Costco and it is delicious. Enjoy!

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