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Wednesday, December 17, 2008

slow cooker applesauce

For this batch I peeled and chopped 10 medium to large apples. This time I used the slow cooker on a medium-low setting. Put them in the slow cooker, and let them sit.
After about six hours I stirred and got this:
A nice golden-red color, extremely different from the light-golden color when cooked on the stove. Fabulous texture, soft and almost buttery, but not mushy. We usually like our applesauce "lumpy". This was smooth but not a processed smoothness like store bought and it was fantastic. It was naturally sweet and wonderful. So with my last ten pounds of apples guess what I'm doing?

1 comment:

Chef E said...

Wow I wonder why it is red? Did it taste like the regular? Did you add water or lemon to keep them from turning? You could bottle it and sell it, it is so pretty!